
“It is important that we not treat this issue as a matter of poverty. It is important that we do not address the issue of sexual exploitation as an issue only involving the poor. It is important that people know that often sexual exploitation does not happen for a plate of food, but because of the animalistic appetite of those who practice it.”  President Lula da Silva of Brazil.

No policies are "child-neutral". Even policies which appear to have very little impact on children are likely to have a bias for, or against, the rights of the child. Trade and exchange rate policies may have a larger impact on children's development than the relative size of the budget allocated to health and education. In this discussion paper for Radda Barnen (Swedish Save the Children) Stefan de Vylder, Associate Professor in Development Economics and consultant, discusses the impact on children of general development strategies and macroeconomic policies.

CSEC: The Crime against Children has been sponsored by the BODY SHOP FOUNDATION/Gt. Britain. The P.E.A.C.E. Campaign has produced this book and it is edited by Chairperson/P.E.A.C.E., Ms. Maureen Seneviratne. P.E.A.C.E. has endeavoured to record every aspect and facet of the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, The Crime against Children. P.E.A.C.E. works on these issues to combat CSEC. This is a book of use to educators and social workers and the general reader. 2006. 


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